Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 28th // Recap Post

Sunday Recap
By: Alex Dowell (intern)

The Secret Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
This past Sunday we continued in week four of our six week series entitled “The Secret Gospel” in which we study the ways Jesus tried to keep His ministry under wraps for a period of time and why. Our primary focus in this lesson was to recognize that a Christ-like mission is unhurried; Jesus always made time for people.
Even when His disciples seemed frustrated by His effort, Jesus rebuked them and made them aware that His purpose was to do the will of His Father which trumped every other motive in their lives. In the book of Mark there is a powerful story of a man who needed Jesus to help his daughter. Jairus needed Jesus badly and his need was urgent. Jesus answered the man’s need and went with him, but He didn’t go so quickly that He ignored the needs of those around Him.
As we look at the life of Christ through various moments in which He chose to remain secret, we can learn about how being unhurried helps us to see the needs we can meet and opportunities we can be a part of for His name sake. Our Christ-like mission is to be obedient to His calling, not the business of our busy schedules.
By reading and understanding Jesus’ focus behind the story in Mark 5:21-43 we can take away two major points.
First, Jesus sets us free from evil and destruction. Through His work on the cross, Jesus set us free from all the evils that entangle us forever. The war has ultimately been won. Therefore, we can slow down and seek to serve others and meet their needs first because our Lord has met all of our needs already and has everything under His control in the beginning.
Second, Jesus can make us whole. We don’t have to be hopeless in life, no matter what we have been through or what lies ahead of us. While we may have to live with long-lasting consequences of our actions or suffer from the pain of a broken world—through a perfectly loving and capable Lord and Savior we can smile at the storm.
Seek to encourage your friends and peers with these truths which can only be found through the Gospel of Jesus.

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