Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 28th // Recap Post

Sunday Recap
By: Alex Dowell (intern)

The Secret Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
This past Sunday we continued in week four of our six week series entitled “The Secret Gospel” in which we study the ways Jesus tried to keep His ministry under wraps for a period of time and why. Our primary focus in this lesson was to recognize that a Christ-like mission is unhurried; Jesus always made time for people.
Even when His disciples seemed frustrated by His effort, Jesus rebuked them and made them aware that His purpose was to do the will of His Father which trumped every other motive in their lives. In the book of Mark there is a powerful story of a man who needed Jesus to help his daughter. Jairus needed Jesus badly and his need was urgent. Jesus answered the man’s need and went with him, but He didn’t go so quickly that He ignored the needs of those around Him.
As we look at the life of Christ through various moments in which He chose to remain secret, we can learn about how being unhurried helps us to see the needs we can meet and opportunities we can be a part of for His name sake. Our Christ-like mission is to be obedient to His calling, not the business of our busy schedules.
By reading and understanding Jesus’ focus behind the story in Mark 5:21-43 we can take away two major points.
First, Jesus sets us free from evil and destruction. Through His work on the cross, Jesus set us free from all the evils that entangle us forever. The war has ultimately been won. Therefore, we can slow down and seek to serve others and meet their needs first because our Lord has met all of our needs already and has everything under His control in the beginning.
Second, Jesus can make us whole. We don’t have to be hopeless in life, no matter what we have been through or what lies ahead of us. While we may have to live with long-lasting consequences of our actions or suffer from the pain of a broken world—through a perfectly loving and capable Lord and Savior we can smile at the storm.
Seek to encourage your friends and peers with these truths which can only be found through the Gospel of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Update from Joe...

Highlights This Week
Project Springfield: THIS Wednesday! Email if you are coming!
Midweek After Party: THIS Wednesday! Andy's Frozen Custard
Small Group Leader Meeting/Training: August 4th from 2-5 pm Details Below!

July 24: Project Springfield- Our second Project Springfield is tomorrow and we need everyone to participate! Kate has planned some great ministry for us. We will be doing some evangelism training, prayer ministry at Kickapoo High School (as well as cleaning up around campus), and a block party at Lake Shore Apartments in Chesterfield Village. The cost is $10 and you need to bring a lunch. We will cover dinner and Andy’s for the after party. Please let us know ASAP if you are coming so we can prepare for transportation and ministry.

July 24: Midweek After Party- we will be loading up on the buses and heading out to Andy's Frozen Custard this week. Bring money for your ice cream tell your parents to pick you up at Ridgecrest at 9:15

August 4: Small Group Leader Meeting/Training- we are rolling out a new small group curriculum church wide and need to train our leaders. If you currently teach or would like to teach a student small group, we need you at this event. Please RSVP with Joe or Kate to let us know you are coming! Besides training on the new curriculum, we will also do some student ministry brainstorming together. Joe would like to hear from you on many things about student ministry. This will also give him a chance to share with you a little about his vision for student ministry and the important role you play as a volunteer. 

August 7: Project Springfield- More information coming soon! Mark your calendars, though!

August 8-9: Leadership Summit- Register online if you haven't yet!

August 16-17:  7th Grade Welcome Weekend- We need the incoming seniors to sign up as leaders! Talk to Joe or Kate about this.  We also need two host homes; one for 7th grade boys and one for 7th grade girls.

August 18: Bilyeu Family Concert- Sunday morning at 9:00 & 10:30. Our Pastor has a great vision from the Lord to see 100 people come to Christ at this concert. Please pray about someone you know who needs the gospel that you could bring with you. Pastor Hosea promises that gospel will be systematically presented in word and in song. 

August 21: Midweek Fall Kickoff- we hope to have a big kick-off event this Fall for Midweek. We want to do Midweek BIG! There are a LOT of things in the works for this night. Our goal is to get 100 students that night. As incentive, the student who brings the most friends to the Fall Kick Off will get to come to Winter Retreat for FREE! Also, if we break 100 students, the top three who bring the most friends will get to pie Joe, James, & Kate in the face!

August 25: The Stand

Midweek July 24
“Fanning the Flame”
Acts 2:42-47

We started this last week and only got through the first point! We have experienced God in some big ways this summer through mission trips and camp. The challenge now is how do we continue this passion and zeal we have come home with? We will look at Acts 2 to see how the early church “Fanned the Flame” after they had encountered Jesus.

The believers continued to…
1-    Be Devoted to God’s Word V. 42
2-    Pray V. 42
3-    Spend Time Together V. 42, 44, 46, & 47
4-    Experience the Power of God in Their Lives V. 43,47
5-    Sacrifice for the Cause V. 45-46

Small Groups July 28
Week 4 of 6 on a series called “The Secret Gospel”
This Week: Christ-like Mission is Unhurried
Mark 5:21-43

1.     Jesus sets us free from destruction and evil.
2.     Jesus can make us whole. 

Follow up questions for parents
- On several occasions in Jairus' story, his faith in Jesus could have crumbled. What are some things today that threaten or discourage your faith in God's ability and desire to meet your needs?
- Why is it a struggle for us to look beyond ourselves to the helpless and hopeless?
- Who in your life needs your support and encouragement in the midst of their struggles?

Weekly Update- July 23

Highlights This Week
Project Springfield: THIS Wednesday! Email if you are coming!
Midweek After Party: THIS Wednesday! Andy's Frozen Custard
Small Group Leader Meeting/Training: August 4th from 2-5 pm Details Below!

July 24: Project Springfield- Our second Project Springfield is tomorrow and we need everyone to participate! Kate has planned some great ministry for us. We will be doing some evangelism training, nursing home ministry at Quail Creek, and a block party at Lake Shore Apartments in Chesterfield Village. The cost is $10 and you need to bring a lunch. We will cover dinner and Andy’s for the after party. Please let us know ASAP if you are coming so we can prepare for transportation and ministry.

July 24: Midweek After Party- we will be loading up on the buses and heading out to Andy's Frozen Custard this week. Bring money for your ice cream tell your parents to pick you up at Ridgecrest at 9:15. 

August 4: Small Group Leader Meeting/Training- we are rolling out a new small group curriculum church wide and need to train our leaders. If you currently teach or would like to teach a student small group, we need you at this event. Please RSVP with Joe or Kate to let us know you are coming! Besides training on the new curriculum, we will also do some student ministry brainstorming together. Joe would like to hear from you on many things about student ministry. This will also give him a chance to share with you a little about his vision for student ministry and the important role you play as a volunteer. 

August 7: Project Springfield- More information coming soon! Mark your calendars, though!

August 8-9: Leadership Summit- Register online if you haven't yet!

August 16-17:  7th Grade Welcome Weekend- We need the incoming seniors to sign up as leaders! Talk to Joe or Kate about this.  We also need two host homes; one for 7th grade boys and one for 7th grade girls.

August 18: Bilyeu Family Concert- Sunday morning at 9:00 & 10:30. Our Pastor has a great vision from the Lord to see 100 people come to Christ at this concert. Please pray about someone you know who needs the gospel that you could bring with you. Pastor Hosea promises that gospel will be systematically presented in word and in song. 

August 21: Midweek Fall Kickoff- we hope to have a big kick-off event this Fall for Midweek. We want to do Midweek BIG! There are a LOT of things in the works for this night. Our goal is to get 100 students that night. As incentive, the student who brings the most friends to the Fall Kick Off will get to come to Winter Retreat for FREE! Also, if we break 100 students, the top three who bring the most friends will get to pie Joe, James, & Kate in the face!

August 25: The Stand

Midweek July 24
“Fanning the Flame”
Acts 2:42-47

We started this last week and only got through the first point! We have experienced God in some big ways this summer through mission trips and camp. The challenge now is how do we continue this passion and zeal we have come home with? We will look at Acts 2 to see how the early church “Fanned the Flame” after they had encountered Jesus.

The believers continued to…
1-    Be Devoted to God’s Word V. 42
2-    Pray V. 42
3-    Spend Time Together V. 42, 44, 46, & 47
4-    Experience the Power of God in Their Lives V. 43,47
5-    Sacrifice for the Cause V. 45-46

Small Groups July 28
Week 4 of 6 on a series called “The Secret Gospel”
This Week: Christ-like Mission is Unhurried
Mark 5:21-43

1.     Jesus sets us free from destruction and evil.
2.     Jesus can make us whole. 

Follow up questions for parents
- On several occasions in Jairus' story, his faith in Jesus could have crumbled. What are some things today that threaten or discourage your faith in God's ability and desire to meet your needs?
- Why is it a struggle for us to look beyond ourselves to the helpless and hopeless?
- Who in your life needs your support and encouragement in the midst of their struggles?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21st // Recap Post

The Secret Gospel: Christ-like Mission is Discerning
Sunday, July 21st
By: Alex Dowell (intern)  
Have you ever had a moment in which you knew what someone was up to even though they tried to hide it? Maybe a friend knew a secret and weren’t supposed to tell you but you knew they were holding back. When you can tell something is up behind the scenes, that is called discernment. Some people are really good at this, others take a little time before they clue in to the situation, but everyone has some level of discernment.
When it comes to Christ-like mission, what every Christian is called to, we can use discernment to help reach people. But this goes beyond simple intuition, it is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Christians can discern the needs of others, be prompted to share their faith, or even know the words to say.
Discernment played a role in the life and teachings of Jesus. He chose moments to keep His mission a secret versus sharing it with His followers because He could discern how it would impact it in the long run.
In Mark 3, we see Jesus discern from the Pharisees their concern only with following the rules instead of doing good and showing love to those in need. He radically transforms the common perception that man should follow rules in order to be close to God, and instead heals a man on the Sabbath to truly demonstrate God’s heart.
In this chapter, Jesus also taught and healed multitudes, but when demons were exorcised and professed Him to be the Son of God, He rebuked them and told them not to speak. Jesus wanted people to learn from His teaching and Himself who he was. He discerned that people should respond to Him not by His healing and what demons said about Him, but by their own desire and knowledge to want to follow Him because they knew He offered more than just physical healing.
From all of this, we should “discern” two important application steps:
1) Biblical discernment helps us make good decisions—By listening to the Holy Spirit’s leading, intentionally reading and interacting in God’s word, and praying and seeking His council, we will be lead to the proper response in our situations and decisions.
2) Biblical discernment empowers us to help others—Again, by listening to the Holy Spirit, we can be prompted to obey God to share with a certain person, better help them in their needs, and best communicate the Gospel for them to receive it.
Ultimately, discernment comes from the Holy Spirit, and leads us to recognize people’s needs and how we can respond them in the best way possible, and help us make the best decisions possible in order to be conformed into the image of our Lord and Savior.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #8

CAMP2013 Recap Post #8
By: Jessica Stone

CAMP 2013: My Experience

3 Things the Lord taught me at CAMP
So many moments from CAMP 2013 will be embedded on my heart for years to come.  There are three particular lessons and/or reminders that the Lord clearly impressed upon my heart though. 

1.    Things happen in His timing.
     Not only is this true in my personal life, but God showed me so clearly that this is true in my professional life as well.  So many life happenings that have occurred in my life did not occur on my timeline.  Actually, very few things in my life have gone according to my timing.  Go figure!  But, most recently, this whole developing relationship and moving to a new state situation really was not in my plans; however, I’ve been so blessed by it.  Professionally, I got to see God do some things that really didn’t happen when I wanted them to.  Thursday before dinner, I’d been sharing with a couple of lovely ladies that I was so saddened to leave rbcstudents, partially because goodbyes are tough in general, but mostly because I’d been hoping to see some restoration and growth, and quite frankly, it just hadn’t happened yet, at least not like I thought that it should.  Little did I know that some MAJOR restoration would take place in just a few hours…  During worship that night, the Lord brought me to the point of surrender with Him, showing me clearly that whatever happens in rbcstudents has got to happen solely because of Him and NOT because of me.  He is so gracious to deal with me on those things, those heart matters.  And so at that point of surrender and that point of heart abandoned to Him and His timing, the Lord so graciously allowed me to see friendships reconciled and relationships restored!  Praise Him for those changes! 

2.    This next phase of life is going to be tough, but worth it.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again:  tough isn’t bad, tough is just tough.  Some of the most growth-producing times in my life have been the toughest times, the seasons that I really could not physically endure on my own.  And I cherish those times more than words can say.  It’s in the tough times that I’m forced to realize my own helplessness and rely fully on His strength, provision, and hope.  If I don’t go through those tough times, I will never learn to fully rely on Him, and I will also miss the blessing of seeing His grace and provision along the way.  Also, tough doesn’t mean wrong.  Just because I face challenges and trials doesn’t mean I’ve done something wrong.  In fact, more often than not, it’s when I’m walking the closest with the Lord that I find myself facing more obstacles.  It’s when I’m following Him that my flesh—and the flesh of some around me—tends to be resistant and tension ensues.  All of these elements of tough were reestablished in my heart this week at CAMP.  And the absolute best part of tough stuff is next in my list of lessons learned at CAMP…

3.    I am His daughter.  Period.  End of story.  No matter what.
As I’m staring down the barrel of a ton of change, my mind has really struggled to fill in the gaps, the missing pieces of what my new life will look like.  Where will I go to church?  Who will be my friends?  What will my daily life be like?  Who will I fit in with?  The answers to these questions may be tough to find or tough to accept.  But, I know that I don’t have to handle any of the tough stuff on my own!  The most beautiful blessing I’ve received in my life is the gift of salvation.  Thankfully and humbly, the Lord reminded me of that so sweetly this week at CAMP.  Regardless of where I go, what I do, or who I’m close to or far from, my identity never changes:  I am His daughter.  My Father never ceases to be my Father.  He will always call me His.  I will always belong to and with Him.  That is so comforting to know at any point, but especially in the face of so much unknown.  Even in the midst of the unknown, I am known by my Father.  And that’s pretty cool. 

I’m sure as I continue to reflect on and process all that God did in CAMP 2013, I’ll realize I’ve left out something valuable.  But, for now, this is my reflection, my take away, my application.  This is my CAMP 2013 experience. 

Sunday, July 21st // The 411

Saturday, July 20, 2013

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #7

CAMP2013 Recap Post #7
By: Jourdain Bagby (student & summer apprentice)

       Camp 2013 was probably the most amazing and fulfilling camp experience I've had so far. We had a great time doing activities like rec, tubing, and having free time to just hang out with each other. Bible study gave everyone a chance to think about how God is working in our lives and how we can share that with others. Worship and sermons at night and in the morning left us overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit and desiring to hear more of God's word. Camp is an experience that I wish everyone could have because when you leave your life will completely change.
        So many memories came from rec and tubing. Alex led us in Slip'n'Slide baseball, a team building obstacle course, and finger rockets. The obstacle course was really good because we got a chance to meet new people, eat bugs, and get all muddy and wet. Finger rockets are a camp tradition and we had a lot of fun pelting each other with foam rockets. Tubing is always something that we love doing. Zachary Bryngleson and myself held onto the tube with a death grip as Mr. Vermillion whipped us side to side and swung us around. Neither of us would let go because whoever did had to sleep on the floor. (Since none of my roommates wanted to sleep in the same bed) Fortunately, Zach's trunks started to fall and he had to let go. 
        Kate led us in Bible Study where we learned how to share our faith with others. It was really good, because everyone had input and we all got a chance to see how others deal with sharing our faith and what the bible says about sharing our faith.  One day we talked about having our own "style" with sharing our faith. None of us really thought about having our own way of sharing and it was a good thing for each of us to think about, because now we can embrace our "style" and it'll be easier to share.
        Worship and the sermons were absolutely phenomenal. We did a couple songs before Sam gave a message and it really opened our hearts and prepared us for the message. Then during the sermon the Holy Spirit would completely consume our hearts and open us up to a lesson. The lessons were always amazing and would always leave us thinking about how we need to apply it to our life.
       God worked through everyone at Camp this year. He changed the way we look at the Bible and how to share our faith. God gave us new friends and strengthened relationships with old friends. We have memories that we will keep forever. We can praise God for giving us two new brothers and a sister in Christ to love on and have fellowship with for eternity. I wish next year's camp would come quicker, so we can do this all over again.

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #6

CAMP2013 Recap Post #6
By: Cherith Campbell (Summer Intern)

        I can’t believe how awesome camp was this year! I can honestly say that my first rbcstudents camp wasn’t a disappointment. This camp experience was a little different than what I’m used to because this year I was on staff and not a camper or just a volunteer. It was really interesting to be behind the scenes for all of the activities. As a camper I never really thought about everything that went into making camp happen. I have a greater appreciation for everyone that helps with all the events within the student ministry. This whole summer has taught me a lot about all the work that is needed within the church outside of Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

        I would say that one of my favorite parts of camp was getting to know the students. For a full four days we get them isolated on one campground. We get to spend all day with them and develop genuine relationships with each student. I love getting to go from activity to activity with a group and see how each student is different and how God is working. I have been blessed with the opportunity to intern with rbcstudents this summer and I can’t believe that I only have a month left. I pray everyday that God will use me to impact students’ lives but this summer students have truly impacted me and that’s such an incredible thing. I am looking forward to the next four weeks and can only hope that the fires that were started at camp continue to burn bright for our Lord!

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #5

CAMP2013 Recap Post #5
By: James Copeland
       As a leader, camp can be quite a whirlwind.  With months of prep work that ramps up to 2-3 really busy weeks, just getting to camp with everything in order can be exhausting.  But then, camp starts….and it is one of my favorite moments.  Students arrive, unpack the bus, eat dinner, and get settled in their rooms, all of which can be a little chaotic.  Then, the students enter the main room for worship.  We have done our work, prayed, prepared, and are ready for camp to begin.  Typically, we welcome the students, give a few rules and details, and then we begin to worship.  It is at that moment that as a leader, I begin to rest.  To be still.  As the students begin to engage in worship, and God’s presence becomes evident, all of the planning and prep seems to make so much more sense.  In essence, camp is about preparing a time and place for students to engage with the Living God.  To experience Him and know Him in ways that they never have known before.  That is why we do camp.  At CAMP 2013, we saw just that.  As students experienced the Lord, they responded to Him.  I know that the seeds that were planted in students hearts at CAMP will continue to grow and bear much fruit!

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #4

CAMP2013 Recap Post #4
By: Aaron Mayes & Shelby Riddle (Summer Interns/rbcstudents Seniors)

         We (Aaron and Shelby) are both recent high school graduates and rbcstudents summer interns... So, we thought we would do a camp recap together to share what it was like to be a student and an intern at camp. We both agree that camp was phenomenal this year and it was a memorable last camp experience. We had the best of both worlds getting to be a student at camp, as well as an intern. I (Shelby) loved seeing all of our staff preparation come together and the Lord taking over to create the entire camp experience. It was nice to have responsibility and learn what it takes to put together student events, while still getting to partake in the activities and services. And I (Aaron) loved getting to see God move and getting to watch everything come together for God’s glory and not in vain.
        We both feel that RBC is blessed with great students that seek after God while enjoying each other’s friendships. We are so lucky to call each of them our friends as well. God was so present at camp and you can see it through each of the students' stories. All of the students had a chance to have some laughs, make great memories, and grow closer together. Whether it was during the services, tubing on the lake, discussions during bible study, or just having fun and being goofy during free time, every student was able to connect in some way and join in the Body of Christ. It was an amazing way to start and end our summer intern job and we feel extremely blessed and thankful for rbcstudents staff giving us opportunities and the way they helped us grow this summer.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

We've Got Issues - Racism

This past midweek in our discussion series “We’ve Got Issues,” rbcstudents shared their thoughts on racism and how we relate to it as believers in our world today. All were in agreement that racism still exists. It manifests itself in many ways varying from seemingly “harmless” jokes to racial profiling at airports and other public locations. Most would recognize that racism is a negative idea, but as Christians we must see it in its truly disturbing light and then learn to respond in a holy and God-honoring way.
Racism doesn’t just promote inequality. It is a direct spit in the face of God who has made all peoples in His image and endowed them with value and worth. To carry a racially or ethnically superior mindset actually says: “I am valuable and good, and all of those people are worthless and wicked.” While we wouldn’t directly say something like this, the question we must ask is: In what ways do I consider myself superior to others based on something as simple as outward appearances?
Living in the Midwest, most of us are white. We rarely are on the receiving end of racial profiling or direct racism. We don’t know what it’s like to be followed in a department store because security thinks we’re going to steal, or stopped by a police officer because we don’t look like we should be walking through that particular neighborhood. So, for those of us who don’t experience racism, what should we do?
As Christ-followers, let’s learn to sympathize with those who have felt the sting. We can’t love someone if we ignore or belittle their concerns and experiences. Never assume someone is just “playing the race card.” There exists a “white privilege” that many aren’t even aware of because we receive the benefits of it and never have to think about our race affecting people’s perspectives of us. Finally, seek to understand them, and respect the fact that some of us live in different realities and have to endure different trials. Recognize though, that all of us ultimately have a God who is able to sympathize and meet us in those different trials and help us to overcome them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekly Update from Joe Nelson

rbcstudents Weekly Update
July 17, 2013

Highlights This Week
Midweek After Party: TONIGHT! Cookout: FREE
Project Springfield: NEXT Wednesday! Sign-up @ midweek or small groups
7th Grade Welcome Weekend: August 16-17- host homes and Senior Students needed

July 17: Midweek After Party- Stick around tonight after Midweek for a cook out. We will grill hot dogs and have chips and cookies outside in the parking lot. We will also throw the football or frisbee around and have a good time hanging out!

July 24: Project Springfield- Our second Project Springfield is quickly approaching and we need everyone to participate! Kate is planning some great ministry for us. We will be doing some evangelism training, nursing home ministry at Quail Creek, and a block party at Lake Shore Apartments in Chesterfield Village. The cost is $10 and you need to bring a lunch! We will cover dinner and Andy’s for the after party. We need everyone to sign up TONIGHT at Midweek OR Sunday at Small groups. Please let us know if you are coming so we can prepare for transportation and ministry.

August 7: Project Springfield- More information coming soon! Mark your calendars, though!

August 16-17:  7th Grade Welcome Weekend- We need the incoming seniors to sign up as leaders! Talk to Joe or Kate about this.  We also need two host homes; one for 7th grade boys and one for 7th grade girls.

August 21: Midweek Fall Kickoff- we hope to have a big kick-off event this Fall for Midweek. We want to do Midweek BIG! There are a LOT of things in the works for this night. Our goal is to get 100 students that night. As incentive, the student who brings the most friends to the Fall Kick Off will get to come to Winter Retreat for FREE! Also, if we break 100 students the top three who bring the most friends will get to pie Joe, James, & Kate in the face!

August 25: The Stand

Midweek July 17
“Fanning the Flame”
Acts 2:42-47

We have experienced God in some big ways this summer through mission trips and camp. The challenge now is how do we continue this passion and zeal we have come home with? We will look at Acts 2 to see how the early church “Fanned the Flame” after they had encountered Jesus.

The believers continued to…
1-    Be Devoted to God’s Word V. 42
2-    Pray V. 42
3-    Spend Time Together V. 42, 44, 46, & 47
4-    Experience the Power of God in Their Lives V. 43,47
5-    Sacrifice for the Cause V. 45-46

Small Groups July 21
Week 3 of 3 on a series called “The Secret Gospel”
This Week: How Telling No One Led to Telling Everyone
Mark 3:1-12
1.     Biblical discernment helps us make good decisions.
2.     Biblical discernment empowers us to help others.

Follow up questions for parents
-       What is the biggest challenge you face in terms of biblical discernment? Why?
-       How can I help you when it comes to Biblical discernment?
-       If God based His forgiveness and mercy toward you on the way you treat others, what would be the result?
-       Who in your life might be ready to hear the gospel? Pray for discernment about when and how to approach that person.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #3

CAMP2013 Recap Post #3
By: Tyler Batten (Camp Worship Leader)

          Playing the rbcstudents Summer Camp was an incredible experience! I was very excited to come and be with the students since I have gotten to know quite a few of them over the last year. We had an absolute blast hanging out with everyone! The week was full of finger rocket wars, slip'n'slide baseball, and most importantly ice cream. As much fun as each one of us had, we came to camp for one reason and that was to lead the students in worship and to continually point each and every one of them to Christ. As a band we were focused on following the Holy Spirit for each and every service; whether that meant playing every song we had planned or playing spontaneous worship to our King. By putting the Lord's agenda over our own we were able to have some incredible times of worship where the Spirit of God was tangible in the room. I believe that good music will never change people, that only comes from the Lord: so that was our top priority. Hearing the testimonies of students in the morning sessions constantly reminded us that we were doing what Jesus had brought us to do. I am very excited about what's ahead for rbcstudents. God has big plans to continue to draw close to his sons and daughters, I am thankful I was there to be apart of it!

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #2

CAMP2013 Recap Post #2
By: Kate Ford
            I’m still so incredibly overwhelmed by what God did while we were at Camp.  I never got the opportunity to attend camp while I was in the student ministry and always wished I’d been able to.  Leading up to CAMP2013 I kept joking that I was finally getting the chance to go to camp… but I don’t think I realized how much it would actually do in my own life.  As we drew closer and closer to camp, I continued to pray for the hearts & minds of the students that would be attending.  I prayed that God would move in them in amazing ways and that they would come back changed.  I don’t think I realized how moved I would be while at camp, though.  God showed me so many things while there and I feel so refreshed and renewed, which is something I desperately needed.
            I had the opportunity to serve as the Bible Study teacher at CAMP2013…  I was actually very nervous about taking this on when James asked me to.  I am by no means a great teacher when it comes to standing in front of a group and teaching a lesson for an hour and a half, but I was blown away by how the Holy Spirit intervened and simply taught through me.  Throughout the week in Bible Study I was able to see students’ hearts changing as they were starting to understand the things I was explaining to them… and all I can say is that I was just incredibly in awe of what God did.  I am still sometimes overwhelmed by how the Holy Spirit speaks through me in the moments I have with our students… because it’s not me speaking; it’s Him.

            After every event we’ve had since I joined staff, whether it be Winter Retreat, DNOW, or Mission Trips, I am more impressed and blown away by our students and their deep desire to serve the Lord and grow closer to Him.  And I was once again blown away.  Getting to watch the students worship Him, getting to overhear their conversations about HIM! I’m getting teary-eyed just thinking about what I witnessed at camp.  All I can really say is that the presence of the Holy Spirit was so evident at CAMP2013 and it was so beautiful seeing Him move in the hearts of our students… and I cannot wait for what will follow CAMP2013.  God started something at camp and I know what’s to follow will be absolutely amazing.

Monday, July 15, 2013

CAMP2013 // Recap Post #1

Oh. My. Goodness.

CAMP2013 was absolutely incredible.  We, as a staff, hope you feel the same way we do... We were just so blown away by how the Holy Spirit moved at CAMP2013... and are so incredibly grateful.

This week we are going to have a series of blog posts that will recap different Camp experiences.
We will have Camp Recap posts from so many different perspectives that you'll be able to read (i.e. Sam Bhatt, James, Kate, Jessie, Tyler (worship leader), the interns, apprentices, and even a few students and parents).
It's going to be an awesome way to just once again see how much God did this past week at CAMP2013.

-The rbcstudents Staff :)

CAMP2013 Recap Post #1
By: Alex Dowell (rbcstudents intern)

This was not only my first rbcstudents CAMP experience, but my first camp experience ever. I did not grow up going to church, so the idea of a youth camp was completely foreign to me until this summer. As such, I was a tad overwhelmed at the idea of running recreation for students who had been attending camp for years and knew the ins-and-outs of what worked best and what didn’t… I had to constantly listen to the true voice of the Holy Spirit inside of me, reminding me my value doesn’t come from pulling off a successful rec session, but instead from simply resting in His joy and love and seeking to express those traits through my roles while at camp. And God showed up in some amazing ways to me and the students throughout the week.

            In the end, slip’n’slide baseball was a blast. The Great American Ninja Race Challenge Race brought out the competitive side in quite a few people. And finger rockets demonstrated which of us secretly dream of being in special-ops for the military. While I loved getting to spend time with the students in rec, what really stirred my heart and brought me the most joy was getting to hear from guys how God was changing their hearts. Camp can be a blast. There can be a lot of fun and great worship. But if these activities and interactions didn’t result in transformation by the Holy Spirit, it was really quite pointless. I’m so happy that this wasn’t the case though. Guys opened up their hearts, asking God for renewed life and purpose. And what excites me the most from these revelations is that God will follow through on their requests. He did for me three years ago at a winter conference in Denver for college students. God showed me how He uses events like camp to initiate lifelong change. For me, God used the teaching to reinvigorate my passion for His word, which had been dwindling some over the last few months. I can’t wait to see how everyone will continue to build upon the foundation that Jesus created in our hearts during this week.

            Until then, I can reflect on the terrific week of worship, transformative teaching, and loads of fun provided by rec, boats, and late night. Jesus’ name was lifted up high throughout the week of camp and I’m so blessed to have been a part of these students desire to pursue Him.