Tuesday, June 18, 2013

rbcstudents Small Groups, June 16

  Are you afraid of the dark? When we are afraid of the dark, we are actually afraid of what’s in the dark. When the lights go off, your closet turns into a haven for monsters and under your bed turns into a dark abyss of fear. When the lights are on however, your closet is just your closet, and under the bed is just a tight space where you used to stuff your toys.

            Spiritually, when we live in the dark, we are without God. When we accept God into our hearts, we have the light. Living in the dark is constant sin without repentance. The longer you stay in the dark, the more natural it feels. So, you do not perceive what you do as sin, when it really is. When you accept God, you don’t really leave the dark. You have a light so that you can better perceive sin.  When you walk in the light it does not mean you will never sin, it just means that you can avoid sin better.

            1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Living in the light will expose our sins. However, God promised forgiveness of our sins if we confess and repent from our sin. By confessing and repenting from our sin we are walking in the light of Christ.    

(Lesson summarized by Jimmy Gove)


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